🔥YuklaSwap to be launched at BeGlobal 🔥. First (of many) IDO in our platform! 🚀
Dear BGlobians,
📣 We are excited to announce that YuklaSwap, a yield farming optimizer with NFTs and games, will be launched through BeGlobal. Let’s get to the interesting part first! Let’s see some gameplay:
💫 Pretty cool, right? 🎮 Looks like Counter Strike (who hasn’t played it?) but on blockchain!🔥
The first game released by YuklaSwap will include tournaments and AI-powered NPCs. They will also integrate specially crafted NFTs in the games ecosystem. If you are skilled enough (or, sometimes, just lucky), you will have a chance to win game fees (money from the tickets).
đź‘€ Take a look at the graphics, they are lit, specially compared to other p2e games on blockchain!
Of course, apart from that, you can use the other features of the project, which will be heavily focused on NFTs and games.
We haven’t got time to develop our own launchpad yet, as we are focused on launching DeFi 2.0 this month (read this post) but that’s not a problem: we will use a traditional smart contract to launch YuklaSwap to the moon.
⬇️The method used will be the overflow one ⬇️:
You will send GLOBAL-BNB LP tokens to the presale contract. Once everyone is in, it will distribute the tokens proportionally. If there is an excess of tokens vs. the cap, you will get a proportional allocation and whatever that wasn’t spent, will be returned to you.
Some more info about the YuklaSwap:
🗓️ Launch will be in about 2 weeks. We will announce the final date soon, make sure you stay tuned and start pairing your GLB with BNB! Remember to ADD BNB instead of selling GLB to pair it, this way you support the price too, specially considering we have a competition to increase APR and make you earn more rewards ongoing!

🚨 PD: this is the first IDO of many, we are already in contact with different games, including metaverse ones, to launch through our platform!
Official references and All things about BeGlobal:
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