🤝BeGlobal.finance partners up with Certik: skynet will be activated soon!
▶️ As part of our crypto journey, we thought it was necessary to keep assuring our investors that operations run as expected. Therefore, we have decided to have skynet with us!
▶️ CertiK Skynet is the intelligence engine powering the security scores seen on Security Leaderboard. It provides 24/7 security analysis for our smart contracts. It is constantly checking on-chain data.

👀 Introduction
Skynet is a unified set of security tool chains that leverages automated technologies to check deployed smart contracts against a wide range of known vulnerabilities at scale. It produces accurate smart contract security scores, which indicate the risk potential for hacks and code malfunctions.
How does it work❓
Skynet consists of a combination of static and dynamic technologies, which Certik calls Security Primitives. Security Primitives are similar to security service endpoints, but are used for scanning smart contracts. Each Security Primitive assesses a specific security area against a smart contract and assigns a security score between 0–100. 🔒
💡 Currently, there are five QuickScan Security Primitives from two categories (Static and Dynamic). Certik is actively integrating new Security Primitives into QuickScan. That being said, a smart contract will be scanned against 5 thorough security checks for one run of the QuickScan. Depending on the complexity, it may take up to 6 hours for completion as Security Primitives requires huge volumes of computational resources.

When does it start❓
Data will start to be pulled this week already! Expect to see skynet live very soon.
At BeGlobal.finance, we consider security one of our priorities 🔝. We don’t take anything for granted and we always work towards with the best security practises to ensure that your funds are SAFU.
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